Brunton Nexus

Ne x us Weather-Eye Blue and other Brunton Nexus products for sale online.

Click on item name for larger view and product specifications.

Ne x us Weather-Eye Blue

Ne x us Watchband

Ne x us Trooper (Pin-on Mirrored Sighting)

Ne x us Traveler

Ne x us Star (Base Plate Sighting)

Ne x us Spectra Thumb Compass (Right)

Ne x us Spectra Thumb Compass (Left)

Ne x us Signal Orange

Ne x us Signal Blue

Ne x us Side-Kick

Ne x us Safari (Mirrored Sighting)

Ne x us Safari (Mirrored Sighting)

Ne x us Rally Lighted

Ne x us Pioneer Orange (Mirrored Sighting)

Ne x us Pioneer Black (Mirrored Sighting)

Ne x us Micro

Ne x us Marine

Ne x us Marine

Ne x us Kayak

Ne x us Jet Wrist Compass

Ne x us Jet (Base Plate Compass w/magnifier)

Ne x us Elite 360° (0-90° Quads)

Ne x us Elite 360°

Ne x us E x pedition Lighted (Hand Bearing)

Ne x us E x pedition (Hand Bearing)

Ne x us E x pedition (Base Plate Sighting)

Ne x us Avalanche (Mirrored Sighting)

Optics Shop

Fishing Tackle